Corona Life Lyrics — A Stay at Home Reminder

Max Marine
2 min readMar 20, 2020

Symptom-free doesn’t mean you aren’t contagious. Staying home means you care about the well-being of the vulnerable. Lyrics below if you want to learn the song :)

CORONA LIFE feat. Max Marine

Corona Life

A virus is going viral

Our neurons are getting tribal

Germs are flyin’ from mouth to mouth

Panic is moving from north to south

Sports and schools are on hold

So we can protect the weak and the old

Borders are closing, travel is slower

The stock market’s sinking lower and lower

Healthcare systems are stressed

Facing this test from the East to the West

Short on masks and hospital beds

Short on nurses, doctors, and critical meds

We must learn from collective mistakes

To prevent the potential outbreaks

Yes the only way back from this knockdown

Is to gradually totally lockdown

Chorus (2x)

How do we stop the spread of corona

Ditch the bars for some more time alona,

Distance yourself while you work from home- uh

Flatten the curve, socialize through your phona

No kisses no hugs is this world war three?

Virus versus humanity

Slowing emissions through fever and cough

Our planet’s adjusting to cool herself off

Pandemics are sadly a practice

For the next time the climate attacks us

But now’s not the time to resign

take Just a Moment to realign

Stop thinking its you start thinking its we

United against a shared enemy

Respect mother nature and animals too

Our medical workers for all that they do

Symptom-free? you’re still likely contagious

So i’m asking you to be courageous

Without a vaccine for COVID-19

Gimme that gradual, total quarantine

Chorus (2x)

How do we stop the spread of corona

Ditch the bars for some more time alona,

Distance yourself and work from home — uh

To flatten the curve, socialize through your phona

